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N24: The Victory Parade Reminded That Russia is a Great Military Power


N24: The Victory Parade Reminded That Russia is a Great Military Power
11.05.2017 - 15:49

Correspondent N24 Christoph Wanner notes that modern Russia is really a great military power.

Today, many world crises can not be solved without Moscow's participation. Political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis and the Syrian conflict, the peaceful development of the Middle East can not be achieved without a dialogue with the Kremlin.

In addition, Russia maintains friendly relations with Egypt and Libya. The end of the internecine war in Libya also lies in the plane of negotiations between the West and Moscow.

The military and diplomatic power of Russia compels the West to reckon with the Kremlin, believes Christopher Wanner. Of course, it is the merit of Vladimir Putin, who, together with his generals, modernized the army.

According to the journalist, the overwhelming majority of the Russian population supports Vladimir Putin. The Russian leader is very popular, and if he puts forward his candidacy for the presidential election next year, he will undoubtedly win.

In general, after about an hour of military parade, it was the impression that Moscow had returned to the list of great powers and was a formidable force in world politics.

Tags: Putin VladimirRussiaSyriaUkraine
Количество просмотров: 29
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Источник: RusVesna.su

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